Medical grade network
Solutions for secure, failsafe monitoting and emergency event management
Uninterruptable data and care service flow on each scale, from assisted living in an own flat to large institutional systems
Scalable developed solution that suits the needs of pationts, doctors, medical institution and the research.
Assisted Living - LVL 1
Always connected 0-Touch provisioned CPE, that allows your institution to collect all relevant medical and environmental data, control the smart home and intervene in case that an emergency arises. Feature reach eco-system brings the benefits of multimedia to the persons in care, and full integration with nursing and patient management solutions already in place.
Extensibility with 3rd party devices and services, functioning as "single hub", MGG provides critical health status informations to the nursing, at the same time, as delivering rich, continuous and complete datasets for research and medical records.
Swiss hosted database can be used to get the anonymized statistical data, or, on patient permission only, granted full access to the medical record.
We`re making lives easier and safer, using our custom hardware (CPE), services such as personal internet, phone (with emergency call build in), IP-TV, in basic version, extended with dedical sensors, envoiremental control und emergency services.
Doctors, medical care providers - LVL 2
Since years, most doctors are using online pations record systems, and relay on an stable connection, as also in data folw. Our custom hard and software enpovers your medical practice to stay online no matter what, and access the pationts medical data collected by multiple devices and sources, in a secure way.